Monday, September 24, 2012

Reflections-Saviour Jesus (24/9/12)

Saviour who gives me beauty for ashes,
Who holds my every tear in his hand
And wipes them away in his own time,
Who hears every prayer and answers even before I ask
Who knows me through and through and loves me all the same
Saviour whose grace is my ticket to heaven and my promise of a mansion there
Saviour who has prepared me for good works and has calls me by name
Saviour who is shepherd, healer and all that to me
My king, Lord, sanctifier and much more besides
Saviour, in whose favour I rest, who heals all my diseases and forgives all my sins,
Who fights my battles because they are his, who prepares a table for me before my enemies
And anoints my head with oil.
Jesus, who is my glory and the lifter up of my head,
Thank you!

Angela Azumah Alu

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The Lord gives His gifts in His way, in His time and to His people.
You can’t ever figure out what goes into His choice because you are not God.
Well, your duty, dear friend, is to enjoy every single one of your gifts and use them for service and for His glory.
Whatever gift you have, God gave you.
Have you tried asking Him why He gave you that gift? What does He want you to do with it? And when you find out, you go ahead and do it like your life depends on it and see what God will do-He’ll only give you greater gifts!
Never ever compare your gift to anyone elses! Tis an error.
Do not grieve God by being envious but celebrate the fits other people have and do the best you can.
Rejoice! God has given you His gifts so you’ll be His eyes, His hands, His feet and His mouth on earth for the edification of the church and the perfection of saints.
Please! Arise! Go forth! Do and be all He’s called you to be!
Angela Azumah Alu

9/9/12 Reflections on the readings

Is 35:4-7/ Psalm 146/James 2:1-5/ Mark 7:31-37
Be not frightened, the LORD says to us
The Lord who comes with his recompense;
 The Lord who is the vindicator
The Lord who comes to restore the original order He created-
Where the poor are treated as equals-
The deaf hear, the blind see, the dumb speak and the lame leap for joy.
Jesus, the word of God, shows us how it is done and challenges us everyday of our lives-
To live life in such a way that we restore others to the original state in which God planned for them to be

Angela Azumah Alu

2/9/12- Reflections on the readings

Deut 4:1-2.6-8/Psalm 15/ James 1:17-18.21-22.27/Mark 7:1-8.14-15.21-23

Sometimes Lord, I must confess that I take your word for granted and rush through it as though it weren’t important or that I know it already.
I confess also that I don’t obey your word as I should and seem to go about my merry way disregarding your word and yet calling myself your own.
And even worse Lord, I look at externals-the goings and comings and forget about the internal-the heart where everything is.
I clean the externals and forget to take care of the internal and yet complacently think you must be lucky to have me forgetting that I’m full of many things you despise.
King of my heart, the mirror of your word has shown me my true state, cleanse me and purify me that I may listen, hear and observe every one of your commands.

Angela Azumah Alu

25/8/12 Reflections on Grand Weaver ( Grand Weaver by Ravi Zacharias

Grand weaver of my life
My life, already in your hands,
Once more I hand it over to you
Take me Lord and use me as
Your own; I am already yours

Grand weaver, sometimes, I wonder
 What you see, the pieces of my
Life seem very disjointed with many
Doubts, fears, failings, and distresses

Master Potter, sometimes your process
Feels so painful that I can barely stand
And need more of your grace

But king of kings, mould me and
Make me; try me and test me;
Fill me and feed me
That I may walk daily with you
To my heavenly home

Angela Azumah Alu