Saturday, November 16, 2013

Don’t come any closer

Don’t come any closer if you can’t stay
Don’t come any closer if you’re not sure
Don’t come any closer if you have doubts
Don’t come any closer if I’m not all you want
Don’t come any closer if you’re not prepared to go the distance
Don’t come any closer; don’t come any closer
Don’t come any closer lest you break my fragile heart
Don’t come any closer lest you shatter my dreams
Don’t come any closer lest you leave me broken and weeping
Don’t come any closer if anything stands in your way and you can’t see a way around it
Don’t come any closer if you’re not ready
Don’t come any closer
I’m your sister; I’m your friend
I’m a child of God like you are too
Don’t come any close lest you hurt me needlessly
Don’t come any closer if you’re sure it won’t work out
Don’t come any closer if you don’t care enough
Don’t come any closer…………………………………
Don’t come any closer

Angela Azumah Alu


Friday, November 8, 2013

El Chay

For he is the living God and he endures forever, (Daniel 6:26, NIV). El Chay
El Chay, I must confess that sometimes I forget that you are El Chay and that you live forever.
I act as if today and this world are all there is or will ever be and seem overcome by the vicissitudes of this life….
Here I am….surrendering once more….
I pray as Hezekiah prayed….may every trouble that comes my way be a means for your glory to be seen…
El Chay, my heart is broken and shattered….
I’m disappointed and upset…at myself and many other things besides….
And I look at myself rather than at you….
Here I am, broken hearted and all….
Surrendered to you…
El Chay, you are the living God….
That is who you are….now and forever….
El Chay, living God,
El Chay, forever God,
El Chay, El Chay,
Not to anyone else shall my obeisance be….
But to you alone….
El Chay….
All praise and glory to your name…
…..El Chay…..
I love you….
My hope is in you alone…
….You alone are my deliverer and I give all glory to your name…
….you who deliver, you who live forever,….
….El Chay, forever…..
….El Chay, I trust you forever and forever…
Angela Azumah Alu


I will praise you

Always and always, I will bless your name you who are my king and my Lord
No matter what happens; when my school work and my life are a mess
When my heart is broken; and I hurt so much I can’t seem to trust you and wonder why all this had to happen
When I hurt and can’t seem to let go off the past
When my heart has no song of thanksgiving; despite your blessings
When I feel utterly useless and purposeless
When I’ve created messes for myself in which I’m drowning
When all is said and done
And I can’t even seem to rejoice with those who rejoice
When I seem to blame you for every bad thing that happens and can’t praise
When my praise glands are dried up and tears are my food
I will yet praise you my King and my Lord
I will sing of your love forever
I will praise you because you are great and there is no one like you
I will praise you because you deserve all the praise
I will praise you; because I praise
When I cannot praise; I will praise you
I will praise you and bless your name
Because you are king over all; my redeemer and my God
I will praise you!

Angela Azumah Alu