Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Lord I believe; help my unbelief!-A meditation on Luke 9:14-29

When I feel like I’ve prayed and yet you have not heard,
When in spite of all your promises, it seems like you take better care of the sparrows,
When my heart is broken and my spirit is crushed and you seem not to care.
Lord I believe; help my unbelief!

When I have wrestled with the same challenges for only you know how long,
And almost seem to be wondering around in the wilderness,
And wonder if I will ever reach the promised land.
Lord I believe; help my unbelief!

When your prophets and messengers seem unable to help me,
And it almost feels there must be something wrong,
And you seem very very far away.
Lord I believe; help my unbelief!

You say nothing is impossible for the one who believes.
Stretch forth you hand in power.
Only you can do this. Have mercy Lord, and help me.
Lord I believe; help my unbelief!

Angela Azumah Alu, 22/2/17

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Reflection on the Presentation of the Lord

Reflections on Malachi 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18: Luke 2:22-40
 (2nd February 2014; Feast of the Presentation of the Lord)

The feast of the Presentation of the Lord is celebrated on the 2nd of February every year. This year, it fell on a Sunday. The Presentation celebrates baby Jesus being presented by his parents in the temple. This was in obedience to an ancient regulation where God asked all Israelite parents to 'redeem' their first born sons from Him. It was in remembrance of God saving the first born sons of the Israelites during the passover in Egypt.

The first reading is from Malachi and speaks of the Lord suddenly appearing in the temple and purifying His people so they make offerings in righteousness to the Lord.

The second reading, from Hebrews, speaks of Christ the High priest who became like us in every way to save us and thus is able to help us when we are tempted.

The Gospel presents the Presentation narrative.

Honestly, it was the first time I'd ever really thought of the Presentation. And it occurred to me that although God required a physical circumcision and purification in the past, He requires spiritual circumcision and purification of us. And He is the one to do it. That's where the prayer/poem came from. I pray it's a blessing. 

Purify me LORD!
Circumcise me,
through and through,
Cleanse me wholly,
that I may be yours 
and yours alone.
That, as your temple, 
I may offer
pleasing and acceptable sacrifices
to you.
Circumcise me, high priest,
Purify me; circumcise me
that I may be clean and reflect you only.

Angela Azumah Alu (February, 2014)

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