Saturday, July 28, 2018

Reflections on the readings (17th Sunday in ordinary time Year B)

2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15

Sometimes Lord it feels like who I am and what I have to offer are too small for your work.
I wonder how the little I have to give can serve your people.
And I'm almost tempted not to give at all because it feels too small.
But your word reminds me that you take the little I offer and make it enough.
Whether it's to feed a hundred or 5000+
And it's not even just enough, there's a surplus after it all.
So here I am, reaffirming my faith in you and offering all I have and am.
Take me and use me as you will...just as you did with Paul and the other apostles.

Angela Azumah Alu (29/07/18)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

I loved a boy

I loved a boy; a boy who seemed to represent all I thought I wanted
He was handsome, bearded and nerdy.
He played the guitar; he was a church mouse.
To top it all off, we came from the same region; that was good news.

I loved a boy; we chatted on facebook, on skype and whatsapp.
Those were his preferred mediums; nerdy as he was.
I tried to get him to call or even meet face to face.
Those are my preferred mediums.

I loved a boy; I told my mum about him.
We discussed why he didn’t ask me out.
I told her I thought there was something wrong.
She thought I only liked talking on the phone and should cut him some slack.

I loved a boy; he didn’t agree with my faith.
He was all for Luther’s “solas”
And thought I was in error.
He didn’t want to find out about my faith.

I loved a boy; I was in a faith crisis.
And well, at the time didn’t have many answers.
It seemed my God had forsaken me.
I wondered where this love would go.

I loved a boy; after a year of talking and chatting,
Just when I was rejoicing that he was calling,
He asked me what I thought of us dating.
I was so excited I asked what took him so long.

I loved a boy; he broke my heart when he said he could see no future.
I watched my dreams go down the drain.
My dad said not to worry; God would make a way.
He reminded me of my new job.

I loved a boy; even about three years later, the pain still seemed new.
And I just didn’t seem to have closure.
But now, I knew my God hadn’t forsaken me.
He had been with me through it all.

I loved a boy; he seemed to represent all I thought I wanted.
I may never know what may have happened, but I gave it my all.
Too bad he didn’t see it or didn’t feel the same.
I thank my God whose love never fails; I wait for him to bring me a man who’ll love as He does.

Angela Azumah Alu, 01/07/2018

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