Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A mother's love

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Its intensity amazes me by the day.
I guess it starts from being the fruit of lovemaking.
And in our traditional African context, a validation of her womanhood.
The more the better…lol.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
From the discomfort of pregnancy to labour pains
Or for some, the pain of surgery.
And with our bad health systems, the ever present threat of losing your life.
A mother’s love is literally life giving.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Breastfeeding and all the sleepless nights.
Which do not even end when you grow up.
She is always more concerned
and literally sacrifices her whole life so you may live.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Through the early years she pours out more of her love.
She moulds and forms you and prays over you daily.
She’s your first hero and the one you always turn to.
You are sure she knows everything.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Through the turbulent teen years,
When you are sure she’s crazy and
She is frustrated by all you are or are not.
Even then, she loves you with all of her.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
She always believes in you and pushes you.
Through every phase of life, she is for you and with you.
And she does everything within her power
To make sure you keep going.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Throughout your life, she is there for you.
Nothing could take her away,
Even in death she is still with you.
She is always in your heart and mind.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Sacrifice, joy, sorrow, pain and all you can think of.
Her love knows no beginning or end.
No wonder God reminds us that He will never forget us
Using the hyperbole of a mother forgetting her suckling child.
There is nothing like a mother’s love.

Angela Azumah Alu, 31/03/2020
Sakumono (COVID-19 time)
Image from: https://quotesempire.com/family-quotes/mothers-love-purest-love/