Saturday, June 4, 2022

Come Holy Spirit

 Come Holy Spirit!


Come and renew my heart!

Come and stir up your gifts!

Come and cause these dry bones to live!

Come and give me and new heart!

Come and fill me wholly!

Burn out everything that is not of you.

Set me ablaze with love.

Fill this heart with your grace that I may fully live out my three fold ministry of prophet, priest and King.

Come, great comforter come!

Come Holy Spirit!

Teach me to speak words of life.

Teach me to proclaim as Christ did.

Remind me to turn to you at every point.

Let the signs promised follow my daily life.

Come, Holy Spirit come!

Show me how to navigate difficult situations with your wisdom and discernment.

Reveal those things that are hidden.

Renew my faith and increase it.

Come Holy Spirit!

Fill me that I may daily be a beacon of hope.

Fill me that I may bear fruit in all circumstances.

Fill me that I may proclaim Christ in every thought, word and deed.

Come Holy Spirit!

Angela Azumah Alu, 5th June 2022

Image from:

Monday, May 16, 2022


 Tis spring and the flamboyants are in bloom; or in Ghana where there is no spring, it's the season of the flamboyants. They light up the streets with their crimson blossoms creating such a kaleidoscope of colour that you wonder if it's the same plants that hitherto looked green and almost as if they could not bloom.

How like our lives this is! Reminding us that God makes all things beautiful in his own time.

When the time is right, I the LORD, will make it happen.

Angela Azumah Alu

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

On waiting and hoping

 What do you do when your dreams come true?

Have you ever wanted something which never seemed to come to you?

Have you ever wanted something for so long that it almost seemed unattainable?

Have you ever wanted something for so long that it seemed easier to just give up hoping?

When you want something or hope for something, keep hoping.

When you are waiting for something, enjoy the journey....knowing that it will arrive.

When you are waiting, prepare....because usually things which delay come in doubles and triples.

And when you are waiting, be yourself and others who are waiting. :-)

And when your gifts arrive, enjoy them! Everyday!

Even when they bring you troubles or seem to turn your life upside down, enjoy them!

Make all the memories you can and enjoy the topsy turviness, always knowing how hard you prayed and how long you waited!

And make every minute's really the only way to enjoy the things you have waited for.

Angela Azumah Alu 

1st February 2022

Romans 5:5a and hope does not disappoint us

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A dream of home

 Sometimes I dream of home...although it comes with thoughts of her hydra headed problems which both annoy and depress me.

But the thoughts of time spent with family and friends,
the smell of Ghanaian food,
the sights and sounds of the city,
time spent in the village and 
the warmth of the sun,
give me a warm feeling until I almost start grinning.
And then I realize I'm at home but it is winter.

Angela Azumah Alu, 22nd January 2022

image from: