Come Holy Spirit!
Come and renew my heart!
Come and stir up your gifts!
Come and cause these dry bones to live!
Come and give me and new heart!
Come and fill me wholly!
Burn out everything that is not of you.
Set me ablaze with love.
Fill this heart with your grace that I may fully live out my three fold ministry of prophet, priest and King.
Come, great comforter come!
Come Holy Spirit!
Teach me to speak words of life.
Teach me to proclaim as Christ did.
Remind me to turn to you at every point.
Let the signs promised follow my daily life.
Come, Holy Spirit come!
Show me how to navigate difficult situations with your wisdom and discernment.
Reveal those things that are hidden.
Renew my faith and increase it.
Come Holy Spirit!
Fill me that I may daily be a beacon of hope.
Fill me that I may bear fruit in all circumstances.
Fill me that I may proclaim Christ in every thought, word and deed.
Come Holy Spirit!
Angela Azumah Alu, 5th June 2022
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