Mother you have been, mother you are; mother you’ll
always be
You we turn to: first with scraped knees and arms
and homework; later with broken hearts and fears about the future; even later,
we hope, with stubborn children and difficult husbands and even challenges at
Mother, God’s gift to us, who encourages though she
herself may be discouraged.
Mother, who prays and reminds you always to give it
all to God
Mother, who tells you it’ll be alright, though she
herself may be terrified
Mother, who is disciplinarian, chauffeur, designer,
teacher, doctor, nurse, lawyer and all other professions rolled in one.
Mother, who loves you more than you’ll ever know and
makes innumerable sacrifices for your dreams
Mother, who, no matter what the world says, is your
Mother, who is by your side and is your chief cheerleader
Mother, who pushes you to your feet when you seem
determined to stay down after falling
Mother, whose wisdom surpasses the ages and who can
advice on everything
Mother, who seems to know everything and is
Mother, who is your first role model and is
pre-eminent as a mentor thereafter
Mother, forever and ever, mother
Dieu te benisse!
Je t'aime!
Angela Azumah Alu ©May, 2013
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