Sunday, December 8, 2013


Someday, the pieces will fall into place
And with hindsight, I’ll see why you arranged everything as you did
I’ll jump for joy at the precision with which you planned everything
And be amazed at your love and care
Father in Heaven, with the eyes of faith I see all you’ll make me
And I rejoice at seeing your wonders
With all my heart I rejoice now
And I thank you and bless your name
I rejoice
At the questions
And all the things I wonder about
And I trust you
Because you make no mistakes
So with the eyes of faith I rejoice and see
All you’ll make me
And with the eyes of faith I rejoice and see
Increase my faith
That I may see as you see
And rejoice while I wait on you
I trust in you
You alone are my hope!
All things work together for good with those who love God and are all called according to His purpose
Romans 8:28

ANgelA AzUmAh ALu