Thursday, November 6, 2014


Deadlines, deadlines
We need them; we hate them
We can't do without them
When you're on the other side, waiting
you wish they'd hurry up already
When you're the one with the deadline
You wish you had more time

Deadlines, deadlines
We can't do without them
In everything they're ubiquitous
They provide a measure of productivity
Which in many ways directly influences income
And even our reputation
So as deadlines are odious, they're necessary

Deadlines, deadlines
Such a simple word, abi
But so pregnant with meaning
So very applicable to daily life
And of course such a good subject for a poem
for my dear friend Dormenyo
who always has deadlines to meet!

Angela Azumah Alu, 6/11/14, Accra

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Young pojoba, called of God
To be a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek
Trained and ordained and posted to Good Shepherd Parish
Served dutifully and cheerfully under various parish priests
Always, with a shout of “God is good all the time!”

Older now, wiser too, with sprinklings of gray hair
Posted now as parish priest by the Archbishop
Reminding all that recognition and elevation follow those
Who serve dutifully and cheerfully
Always, with a shout of “God is good all the time!”

Fr.  Bernard Kwasi Kyei, lectors of Good Shepherd Parish bid you adieu
Many a sermon of yours strengthened our spirits and
You oft quieted our restless souls in the confessional
Many of us looked up to you as role model, father and mentor
We will never forget you but serve dutifully and cheerfully as you did
Always, with a shout of “God is good all the time!”

Angela Azumah Alu

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Beard

A beard
A beard is an exciting thing to have
A beard is wonderful to hold and to touch
A beard is rough to the touch
I love the feel of it in my hands
A moustache adds a most dashing look
One I’m quite partial to, I must say

A beard
A beard is an exciting thing to have
Tha’ almost makes me wish I were a boy
That I too would have a beard I could trim
And make all fine for the girls to see
And look really quite debonair with my five five
I’d love to have a beard if I weren’t a girl

A beard
A beard is a most dashing thing to have
Tis interesting how many think it’s a bother
Tis sad really how many get bumps when they shave
Or are not allowed to keep beards in their offices
Well I pray for sons who’ll have beards
And a husband who’ll have a beard and love to keep it on
Tis the revenge of the beards!

Angela Azumah Alu

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Thou art my mortal enemy; yet thee I embrace as I would the closest of friends
Thy lies have caused many an embarrassment for me; yet continually I am in bed with thee          
Thou causest me many regrets and always I am dissatisfied with myself

Thou art my enemy; I must see thee as such
I see thee as such; I must treat thee as such
I treat thee as such; I must not listen to thy lies

Now is the time; not to think, talk or analyse
Now is the time; just to act, do, make, write
Now is the time; time goes only forwards and waits not

Thou art my enemy; I will bed no longer with thee
I shed of thy clothes; I regain my life
I start anew; living life as timebound

Angela Azumah Alu 


For Esther

When life has me wearied and I wonder what I’m doing
When all seems lost and I can only cry
When I have lost the song in my heart and wish I were dead
When nothing seems worthwhile and I am down
When I am not happy and wonder if I’ll ever be
When I feel like the worst person in the world and
When I wonder why I am alive

I choose to rejoice in my Saviour who is my joy and my strength
I choose to rejoice in Him who gives me joy in the morning though sorrow may endure for a night
I choose to rejoice in my LORD who overcame death by dying
I choose to rejoice in my Saviour who came to restore me to fellowship with God
I choose to rejoice in my resurrected Christ who used the persecution of the early Christians to lead them out of their comfort zones and to spread the good news
I choose to rejoice in my Lord of Hosts who is my banner in the fight not against flesh and blood
I choose to rejoice in the Lord my shepherd; because of Him I never want

I see, with the eyes of faith, His mercies that are new every morning
I see and I know, He is the bread of Life and with Him I am never hungry or thirsty
I see, I know and I understand, with Him all things are possible; He is my strength
I trust; I hope; I am renewed; and I step out to love just as He did
Because His grace in me empowers me for good and excellent works!
I am His work of art and very precious to Him!
Angela Azumah Alu

Monday, January 13, 2014

On the stairs

On the stairs 
Confidences are shared
Deep thoughts are exchanged
Dreams are spoken
Life is lived

On the stairs
The sky's the limit
No problem is too great to be solved
God hears and He speaks
on the stairs

On the stairs
Hearts may be broken
Dreams may be shattered
Disappointments may happen
But life goes on

On the stairs
Friendship remains
When all else is gone
When all is said and done
Friendship is king

(The stairs are an actual location in Tema Community Two. This poem celebrates a friendship that survived a dating relationship.)