Saturday, July 15, 2023

We arise in haste...Lisbon 2023

 We arise in haste in spite of everything...

It is not for nothing that we do so; for there is always much to do that if we counted the cost, we would never move.

We arise in haste to go and serve when have so much to do already.

We say yes, knowing it comes with more responsibility and sacrifices.

We arise in haste, because our very profession of faith demands it.

We leave everything to go off and serve no matter how brief or how long, because the love of God compels us to go on.

We arise in haste; there is a rush in the air.

We say yes to love; over and over again.

Angela Azumah Alu 


Image from:

Congratulations on your ordination

An ordination is the beginning of an even longer journey than the journey to the priesthood.

Reminds me of Joseph's life....13 years as a slave and prisoner were 11% of his 110 years...necessary years of preparation for a life of service and impact.

We pray for all our new priests, may the God who called you and has moulded you into a priest fill you with every grace needed for the journey ahead.

As a priest, you're a father mother, brother, sister, spiritual director and so much often thankless job that can leave you weary.

May God's daily new mercies renew your strength for each day as you guide His people on the mutual journey to heaven.


Angela Azumah Alu 


Specially dedicated to Frs. Jonas and James, SVD and all newly ordained priests.