Sunday, December 8, 2013


Someday, the pieces will fall into place
And with hindsight, I’ll see why you arranged everything as you did
I’ll jump for joy at the precision with which you planned everything
And be amazed at your love and care
Father in Heaven, with the eyes of faith I see all you’ll make me
And I rejoice at seeing your wonders
With all my heart I rejoice now
And I thank you and bless your name
I rejoice
At the questions
And all the things I wonder about
And I trust you
Because you make no mistakes
So with the eyes of faith I rejoice and see
All you’ll make me
And with the eyes of faith I rejoice and see
Increase my faith
That I may see as you see
And rejoice while I wait on you
I trust in you
You alone are my hope!
All things work together for good with those who love God and are all called according to His purpose
Romans 8:28

ANgelA AzUmAh ALu

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Don’t come any closer

Don’t come any closer if you can’t stay
Don’t come any closer if you’re not sure
Don’t come any closer if you have doubts
Don’t come any closer if I’m not all you want
Don’t come any closer if you’re not prepared to go the distance
Don’t come any closer; don’t come any closer
Don’t come any closer lest you break my fragile heart
Don’t come any closer lest you shatter my dreams
Don’t come any closer lest you leave me broken and weeping
Don’t come any closer if anything stands in your way and you can’t see a way around it
Don’t come any closer if you’re not ready
Don’t come any closer
I’m your sister; I’m your friend
I’m a child of God like you are too
Don’t come any close lest you hurt me needlessly
Don’t come any closer if you’re sure it won’t work out
Don’t come any closer if you don’t care enough
Don’t come any closer…………………………………
Don’t come any closer

Angela Azumah Alu


Friday, November 8, 2013

El Chay

For he is the living God and he endures forever, (Daniel 6:26, NIV). El Chay
El Chay, I must confess that sometimes I forget that you are El Chay and that you live forever.
I act as if today and this world are all there is or will ever be and seem overcome by the vicissitudes of this life….
Here I am….surrendering once more….
I pray as Hezekiah prayed….may every trouble that comes my way be a means for your glory to be seen…
El Chay, my heart is broken and shattered….
I’m disappointed and upset…at myself and many other things besides….
And I look at myself rather than at you….
Here I am, broken hearted and all….
Surrendered to you…
El Chay, you are the living God….
That is who you are….now and forever….
El Chay, living God,
El Chay, forever God,
El Chay, El Chay,
Not to anyone else shall my obeisance be….
But to you alone….
El Chay….
All praise and glory to your name…
…..El Chay…..
I love you….
My hope is in you alone…
….You alone are my deliverer and I give all glory to your name…
….you who deliver, you who live forever,….
….El Chay, forever…..
….El Chay, I trust you forever and forever…
Angela Azumah Alu


I will praise you

Always and always, I will bless your name you who are my king and my Lord
No matter what happens; when my school work and my life are a mess
When my heart is broken; and I hurt so much I can’t seem to trust you and wonder why all this had to happen
When I hurt and can’t seem to let go off the past
When my heart has no song of thanksgiving; despite your blessings
When I feel utterly useless and purposeless
When I’ve created messes for myself in which I’m drowning
When all is said and done
And I can’t even seem to rejoice with those who rejoice
When I seem to blame you for every bad thing that happens and can’t praise
When my praise glands are dried up and tears are my food
I will yet praise you my King and my Lord
I will sing of your love forever
I will praise you because you are great and there is no one like you
I will praise you because you deserve all the praise
I will praise you; because I praise
When I cannot praise; I will praise you
I will praise you and bless your name
Because you are king over all; my redeemer and my God
I will praise you!

Angela Azumah Alu

Friday, August 9, 2013


Like a bird with broken wings; bruised; battered and unable to fly
I come to you, the restorer of my life
Many thoughts assail my mind; my dreams lie shattered and broken at my feet

O Lord, arise, o my God come to my aid

Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Fathers' Day!-For my dad

Who I must confess I sometimes think of as an atm card forgetting that he’s one admirable old young man-with his wonderful work ethic which can be called workaholic and his very calm, unassuming and responsible self who’s head of our home and God’s own dear representative to us.
My dad, who I know always has my back, my dad on whose shoulders I can reach further than he ever went, my dad who loves me more than I know and has my best interests at heart.
My dad who always reminds me of a big sister’s role and encourages me to be more than I think I am.
My dad, who shows that dreams never die because he keeps dreaming.
My dad, brave, determined, fighting man whose genes I have
My dad I inherited a love of reading from…and love our discussions on books…
My dad, whom I look forward to presenting a son-in-law and grandchildren :-)
My dad, God’s own gift to me

 Angela Azumah Alu 18/6/13

Saturday, May 18, 2013


I love thee!
Thou who art my guide, my counselor,
My teacher, my consolation, my advocate, my all
Thou who art my assurance of eternal life
Thou whose presence tells me of my position as a son and an heir
Thou whose guidance leads me daily
Thou who art the Father’s mark of ownership on me
Thou whose temple I am
I love thee!
Thou transforming, consuming fire
Thou who transformed the fearfully sanguine Apostle Peter into the courageous evangelist Peter
Thou who transformed the hate filled choleric Saul into the Christ driven Apostle Paul
Thou who transformed the phlegmatic Abram into the Father of faith Abraham
Thou who transformed the melancholic prince Moses into the Leader Moses
Transform me, I pray thee, into all the Father made me to be
I love thee!
Thou giver of gifts
Gifts of prophecy,
Word of knowledge,
Discernment of spirits,
Gift of wisdom,
Workings of miracles,
Healings of all kinds,
Speaking of tongues,
Interpretation of tongues,
Gifts of faith
Many other gifts as given by the Father and the Son
I ask of thee, give as thou wilt.
I love thee!
Powerful spirit, sweet spirit,
Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control
May I be more like thee in every one of these
I love thee!
 Who brought the world into being
I love thee who sustains it by thy might
I love thee, who art all glorious and holy
I love thee, inspiration of the Father,
I love thee, consoler and empowerer of the Son
I love thee, Sweet Spirit
I love thee, fill me more, fill me daily
I love thee
Angela Azumah Alu

Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Mothers’ Day!

Mother you have been, mother you are; mother you’ll always be
You we turn to: first with scraped knees and arms and homework; later with broken hearts and fears about the future; even later, we hope, with stubborn children and difficult husbands and even challenges at work.
Mother, God’s gift to us, who encourages though she herself may be discouraged.
Mother, who prays and reminds you always to give it all to God
Mother, who tells you it’ll be alright, though she herself may be terrified
Mother, who is disciplinarian, chauffeur, designer, teacher, doctor, nurse, lawyer and all other professions rolled in one.
Mother, who loves you more than you’ll ever know and makes innumerable sacrifices for your dreams
Mother, who, no matter what the world says, is your champion
Mother, who is by your side and is your chief cheerleader
Mother, who pushes you to your feet when you seem determined to stay down after falling
Mother, whose wisdom surpasses the ages and who can advice on everything
Mother, who seems to know everything and is everything
Mother, who is your first role model and is pre-eminent as a mentor thereafter
Mother, forever and ever, mother
Dieu te benisse!
Je t'aime!
Angela Azumah Alu ©May, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Call of God

Good Shepherd Sunday , 21/4/13 Jn 10:27-30, Acts 13:14.43-52, Ps 100, Rev 7:9.14-17

He calls! He calls!
When you’re sitting your somewhere thinking about yourself
He calls; in the daily events of life
He calls; when you think you’re too young
He calls; when you’re taking care of sheep and have been forgotten by your family
He calls; when you’re searching for your father’s missing mules
He calls; when you’ve sacrificed to Him
He calls; when you’re busy about your work
He calls; even when you’re a priest
He calls; when you’re a highly influential man serving the king
He calls; when you’re a pagan-through your mother-in-law
He calls; when you’re an exile in a foreign land
He calls; when you’re a prostitute in a big city
He calls; through your dreams
He calls; when you’re taking care of your father in law’s sheep
He calls; when you’re stting in your office
He calls; when you’re fishing
He calls; He calls; he calls
Answer Him now when He calls you by name!

Angela Azumah Alu

Good Shepherd Sunday, 21/4/13 Jn 10:27-30, Acts 13:14.43-52, Ps 100, Rev 7:9.14-17

The Good Shepherd calls you; can you not hear Him?
He reaches for you; beloved sheep of His
Come to me! He calls. I long for you
Come, sheep, to the life I have called you to.
Hear my voice and obey it; you who are mine
I call you! To live eternity in everyday, powerfully, awaiting that final victory where we’ll be together forever
I call you! To proclaim my word daily; in word and deed; to proclaim my kingdom and righteousness
I call you! Hear my voice; rest in me
I call you! My sheep, who hear my voice
Still you soul; hear my voice
I call you!

Angela Azumah Alu

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A psalm to the Lord 19/3/13

I place my hope in you; you who are my Lord and master,
I come before you, early in the morning, I search your word, I listen for your voice
I savour your sweetness, you who are the delight of my heart
When shall I come to meet you who is the King of my heart?
When I make time for everyone but you
When everything else seems more important than you do
When my restless heart runs to and fro seeking rest apart from you
Draw me to you, you who are my strength and my song
Teach me Lord, to number my days aright that I may gain a heart of wisdom

Angela Azumah Alu

Friday, February 15, 2013

A daily rate…. 2 Kgs 25:30

All that I do not deserve, you give
You who are Lord and lover of my soul
Lord, who am I and what is my family that you should show such love and mercy to us?
Thank you, you who provide our daily needs and are more than we could ever know or imagine
Blessed be your name forever more.
Thank you Lord.
Amen and Amen
Angela Azumah Alu

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Prose Poem to God (based on Ps 139: 14-16) 30/1/13

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine dear Lord that you love me just because you created me and not because of what I do or how good I think I am or how many times I go to church or all those other things people try to equate your love with.

Honestly, it’s ego boosting to think that you love me because I’m so good or love you so much or pay my tithe or pray or read my bible or one of those other things that make me smugly think that you must be mighty pleased to have me on your side.

And such thoughts dear Lord, make forgiveness seem like an alien concept when I fall which I so often do. And make it difficult to forgive me, accept your forgiveness or even forgive others. Leaving me carrying many burdens around when you have asked me to cast all my cares on you and deliberately disobeying your word because your command forgiveness.

Well dear Lord, once more you have reminded me that I am loved by you-just as I am: because you created me and long to conform me to your image. You know that I’ll fall and that’s why you’ve made provisions for that. You are never surprised by me but your grace abounds and you promise that nothing can ever separate me from your love.

Teach me, o my father, to love as you do-unconditionally and always to work for the good of others.  Open my heart, my eyes and my ears to know you and love you, my neighbours and myself and above all, teach me to rest in you as you have commanded. Thank you for your word.

Angela Azumah Alu

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Looking forward with hope: end of 2012- 22/12/12

 Thank you Lord for another year; full of ups and downs
Many times I’ve fallen and refused to get up; even then your love lifted me
Many times I’ve been ungrateful and fickle; you have been constant and faithful always
Many times I’ve been lazy and selfish; even then you still loved me and took care of me.

Thank you for family, friends and all loved ones
Thank you for successes and failures
Thank you for all you’ve been
Thank you, most importantly, for more of yourself that you’ve shown throughout the year.

Thank you for joys and sorrows; lift them all up to you
Thank you for challenges and problems
Thank you for being there always; thank you for Ghana
Thank you Lord!

Angela Azumah Alu