Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Fathers' Day!-For my dad

Who I must confess I sometimes think of as an atm card forgetting that he’s one admirable old young man-with his wonderful work ethic which can be called workaholic and his very calm, unassuming and responsible self who’s head of our home and God’s own dear representative to us.
My dad, who I know always has my back, my dad on whose shoulders I can reach further than he ever went, my dad who loves me more than I know and has my best interests at heart.
My dad who always reminds me of a big sister’s role and encourages me to be more than I think I am.
My dad, who shows that dreams never die because he keeps dreaming.
My dad, brave, determined, fighting man whose genes I have
My dad I inherited a love of reading from…and love our discussions on books…
My dad, whom I look forward to presenting a son-in-law and grandchildren :-)
My dad, God’s own gift to me

 Angela Azumah Alu 18/6/13