Wednesday, January 22, 2020

David and Goliath

David and Goliath (1 Sam 17:32-33,37,40-51)

Dear Lord,
Sometimes when I think of my problems and challenges, I feel like David having to face Goliath.
And sometimes I try to face my issues on my own as David did when wearing Saul’s armour.
Increase my faith in you and help me to cry out as David did…."the battle is the Lord’s….”
Remind me of your faithfulness in times past as David remembered your deliverance from the bear and the lion.
Teach me to fight with what I have as David did with the stone and the sling, knowing that ultimately you are the one in charge.
And like David, let me use the enemy’s own sword to finish off the battle.
Increase my faith and trust in you for you are the God in whom I have placed my trust.

Angela Azumah Alu

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