Saturday, February 27, 2016

Tis Lent again

Tis another Lent Lord Jesus as you know,
With renewed focus on prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
You know it goes; sometimes I do it all.
Other times I flit and afore I know it’s holy week already and I’m wondering the Lent went.
So Lord, this Lent I ask for your mercy.
Restore to me the joy of salvation and sustain within me a willing spirit.
Show me the treasures in your word in this season.
Give me a renewed love for you and for my neighbor.
Teach me to wait on you and to trust you whate’er my lot is.
May I glimpse your glory as ne’er before that my focus may be transformed.
And Lord, when Lent is over, keep me praying, fasting and giving alms with as much fervor.
Abi you know dada.
Love, Angela
Angela Azumah Alu, 10/02/16

P.S. Help me to go through it not as usual but with the awareness of the moment of grace. Show me how to war and battle my soul’s enemies.
Let your glory be seen; may they never ask, “Where is her God?”

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