Monday, April 20, 2015


Sometimes, when I’ve wandered far from His grace and like a little lost lamb, feel very abandoned and lonely and almost wonder if my Shepherd still loves me and get scared because wolves are coming close and I know they want to devour me though they initially seemed even friendly.
I cry out, deep in my heart; I cry out with my little voice.
And He hears me, the Good Shepherd to whom I belong.
He comes over to rescue me; he breaks my legs so I have no choice but to rest in His arms for some part of the journey.
And He speaks words of comfort to me; He brings me fresh grass to eat and refreshes me with clear, clean water.
I bask in His love and I am at peace.
All is well, the Shepherd loves me.

Angela Azumah Alu, 20/4/2015, Airport