Tuesday, March 27, 2012

18/3/12-4th Sunday of Lent, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church

2 Chron 36: 14-16. 19-25, Ps 137, Eph 2:4-10, John 3:14-21
Called by grace, named as His own
Not because of my works or how good I am but because of His love and mercy (Eph 2:8)
For by myself I deserved death and endless misery (CH 158)
Yet He, loving me even before I was made (Jer 1:5, Ps 139:15)
Calls me to Himself and tells me I am His own (Jim Reeves , country gospel)
He save me; redeems me that I may be His ambassador on this earth
He’s called me: a slave of righteousness (Rom 6:18b)
Called me for a life of good works which he has already prepared for me to do (Eph 2:10).
Called to be salt and light (Matt 5:13-16); called to season the world
Called to live in love by the mercies of the Father of mercy
Called to be His forever!

Angela Azumah Alu

4/3/12-2nd Sunday of Lent, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church

Gen 22:1-2. 9-13.15-18, Ps 116, Rom 8:31-34, Mk 9:2-10
Give your all to Him; He is God
See what He makes of you; you fickle in faith
Leaps of faith are never blind; you know who will catch you at the other side
What would you gain if you tried to keep what He has given you; you’d only lose it
Give your all to Him; He calls you and longs to mould you into his image
Awake! He calls you; you have slept long enough
You have been lukewarm and lackadaisical
He puts His arm around you; forgiving you and shaking you awake
He calls you to holiness; in thought word and deed
You can’t do it all on your own; He gives you His Spirit; He’ll blow upon your life that your fruit be seen
Harden not your heart, only trust him-He is faithful!

Angela Azumah Alu

To God! 25th May 2012

Made in his image
Endowed with gifts,
Made like none other
Full of love and grace
Called by His name,
His own,
With all the weaknesses and strengths
So awesomely that even
The weaknesses are instruments
For His glory
Endued with power to
Live a Christian life
As prophet, evangelist, teacher, pastor or apostle (Eph 4:11)
Manifesting his gifts(1 Cor  12:1-11)
Sharing His graces with others (Rom 12:6-8 )
Doing all you can do for
His glory
Rooted in Him
Pruned and shaped by Him
To bear much fruit
Fruit that will last(John 15:16)
Led by His Spirit
To live for Him
Angela Azumah Alu

Rejoice in the lord always! (Phil 3:1) 25/3/12

I choose to rejoice in the savior of my soul!
I choose to rejoice in my Lord in all circumstances,
I choose to rejoice my way through failures,
I choose to rejoice my way through my failings,
I choose to rejoice my way through broken promises,
Through all circumstances,
Because my Lord admonishes in His word that I should be anxious for nothing but make my requests known by prayer, petition and thanksgiving.(Phil 4:6)
I choose to rejoice because tis the Lord who hears and answers every prayer even before we call (Is 65:24) and gives us good and perfect gifts as He sees fit.(James 1:17a)
I choose to rejoice in the Lord who does not give up on me.
I choose to rejoice like Job because when He has refined me I shall come forth as gold that has been purified.(Job 23:10b)
I choose to rejoice because He knows the way that I take. (Job 23:10a)
I choose to rejoice because I count my trials all joy. (James 1:2a)
I choose to rejoice because He makes all things beautiful in His time.(Eccl 3:11a)
I choose to rejoice because His wind(Holy Spirit) blows my garden (life) that its spices (fruit of the Spirit) may flow out.(Sg of Solomon 4:16a, Gal 5:22-23)
I choose to rejoice because though sorrow may endure for a night; His joy comes with the morning. (Ps 30:5b)
I choose to rejoice.

Angela Azumah Alu