Monday, December 14, 2020

Meditations on Elizabeth 1&2

 This is a two part meditation on the biblical character Elizabeth. Her story is found in Luke 1.


When there's a question mark about my life because nothing seems to be working,
When all the marks of success seem to elude me and all I have are a long string of failures and question marks,
When I have prayed for so long that it seems better to stop praying because there has been no response,
When your faithfulness seems not to extend to the one thing I am trusting you for,
When your word clearly shows that this blessing should be mine but it seems to elude me,
When tears have been my food and there is nothing I can do about my "issue",
When my trust in you is unwavering yet I have no answers,
When it seems that I must have done something wrong,
When it seems that there are no answers,
When I have trusted you like the women of old yet have not received any answers,
Even then, my faith in you remains unwavering.
You are faithful who has promised and I believe I shall see your completion of it.
Increase my faith in you.
Help me to continue to believe.


He has answered!
Yet in a way I did not expect.
He has taken away my disgrace and lifted me up.
My husband is temporarily mute but what a visitation!
And what a dramatic way to announce the birth of our son, John!
Imagine my son being the fore runner of the Messiah!
And one of the few children whose birth was announced by an angel.
Imagine the announcement of my pregnancy being the sign that nothing is impossible with God!
I laughed as hard as Sarah must have laughed!
And when Mary came to visit, I was stunned!
I couldn't imagine how she knew...only for her to come with a tale stranger than fiction.
And John leapt in my womb at the presence of the Messiah!
I had no choice but to cry out words of blessing in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant.
My household has been blessed in these three months as the household of Obededom was when the Ark rested there.
For every tear, he has given joy and laughter!
And it's super exciting to have the privilege of raising a prophet.
I cannot wait to teach him all the prophecies and to prepare him for his work.
How glad I am to know the scriptures!
Waiting eagerly for you baby John...I wouldn't have had it any other way.
How else would all these strange things have happened.
In all things, I praise you LORD!
 Angela Azumah Alu, 14/12/2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Come, Holy Spirit!

Come Holy Spirit!
Come with your power,
Your anointing,
Your conviction,
Melt, mould and make me.
Spirit of the living God!
I am yielded to you.
I am surrendered.
There is none like you!
Come, O Advocate!
Speak on my behalf,
Teach me to speak the mind of the Father.
Come, O Consuming Fire!
Burn out all within me that is not of you;
Purify me wholly.
Come, O Spirit of Truth!
Guide me into all Truth,
Just as Jesus promised.
Come, O Creator Spirit!
Breathe new life into me
That I may be fully alive
Come, O Holy Spirit!
Kindle your love in me
That I may bear fruit that will last.

Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit!
Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And they shall renew the face of the earth.

Angela Azumah Alu, Pentecost Sunday, 31/05/2020

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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Loving Shepherd: A meditation on Psalm 23

Loving shepherd,
I know that because you are my shepherd there is nothing I shall want.
Yet many times, I feel abandoned by you because I have so many unmet needs and wants.
Increase my faith in you and teach me to desire nothing as much as you yourself.

Loving shepherd,
You lead me in paths of righteousness for your names sake.
Teach me to be ever obedient to your word even when sin seems to overshadow your grace in my life.
You have clothed me with garments of righteousness. Help me stay clothed.

Loving shepherd,
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I know you are with me.
Even when life feels overwhelming and I am hemmed in on every side, I know you are with me.
Teach me to hear you as you guide me and to trust that you will see me through.

Loving shepherd,
You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies!
Your radical ways are my delight!
You teach me to hand everything over to you because you are my recompense and my portion. You make the boundary lines fall for me in pleasant places and give me a goodly heritage.

Loving shepherd,
Dwelling in your house forever is my delight.
Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life.
And I look forward to being with you forever in heaven.
My life with you on earth is only the beginning.

Thank you!

Angela Azumah Alu,  Good Shepherd Sunday

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Merci dans toutes les situations!- Thank you in everything!


Quelquefois, c'est difficile de dire merci.
Mais, c'est toujours important et nécessaire.
 Surtout durant cette période de COVID-19,
 Merci famille, merci collègues,
au gouvernement et à tous les travailleurs du Service de Santé.
Merci aux travailleurs du domaine de l'assainissement et à tous les prestataires de services essentiels.
Merci à tous!

Nous prions pour le retablissement  de tous ceux qui ont contracté le virus.
Nous prions pour le reconfort de tous ceux qui ont perdu des membres de famille.
Et pour tous ceux qui ont perdu leur emploi et d'autres ressources.
Puissiez-vous éprouver de la joie qui corresponde à votre peine.
Que les choses s'améliorent dans l'avenir.
Nous demandons de la joie pour tous ceux qui ont dû s'ajuster et se réajuster.
se réajuster dans plusieurs circumstances
Que ta nouvelle situation soit meilleure.
Encore une fois on nous interpelle que nous sommes liés et que nous avons besoin de nous les uns les autres.
Et que ceci aussi devrait passer!
Que Dieu nous aide tous.

Sometimes thank you can be hard to say.
But always it is important and necessary.
Especially in this time of COVID-19.
Thank you to family, to colleagues,
to the government and to all health workers
Thank you to the sanitation workers and delivery service providers,
Thank you to the security services and all essential service providers.
Thank you all!

We pray for healing for all those who have the virus.
We pray for comfort for those who lost family members,
And all who have lost jobs and other resources.
May you experience joy to match your sorrow.
And may things be better in future.
We ask for joy for all those who had to adjust and readjust in many ways.
May your new normal be better.
Once again we are reminded that we are all connected and need one another,
And that this too shall pass!
May God help us all!

Angela Azumah Alu
 21/04/2020, Sakumono
 (French translation assistance provided by Mr. Kome)

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday musings

Over 2000 years ago, long before I was thought of or before my parents even existed, He paid it all.
He took my sins upon himself and won my forgiveness and salvation.
He paid for my healing and my deliverance.
He rescued me from the plans of the enemy and made me an heir of righteousness.

He endured excruciating pain for my sake.
He was pierced for my transgressions; wounded for my sin.
My chastisement was laid upon him.
He bore it all for my sake.

No sin, no wrong, no transgression can take me from his hand.
As he did for Peter, he has made provision for me already in my weakness.
Here I am today, remembering his sacrifice on the cross.
My response is to recommit my life to him.

I’m letting go once more of any stain of sin that separates me from him.
I’m letting go and putting on the white garment his blood won for my sake.
He is my high priest who has been like me in every way but sin
and thus invites me to approach the throne of grace that I may receive mercy.

Jesus I come, letting go of my sins and failings.
Jesus I come, embracing your call upon my life.
Jesus I come, trusting in your mercy.
Jesus I come, ready to do your will.

Angela Azumah Alu, 10/04/2020
Good Friday
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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A mother's love

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Its intensity amazes me by the day.
I guess it starts from being the fruit of lovemaking.
And in our traditional African context, a validation of her womanhood.
The more the better…lol.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
From the discomfort of pregnancy to labour pains
Or for some, the pain of surgery.
And with our bad health systems, the ever present threat of losing your life.
A mother’s love is literally life giving.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Breastfeeding and all the sleepless nights.
Which do not even end when you grow up.
She is always more concerned
and literally sacrifices her whole life so you may live.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Through the early years she pours out more of her love.
She moulds and forms you and prays over you daily.
She’s your first hero and the one you always turn to.
You are sure she knows everything.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Through the turbulent teen years,
When you are sure she’s crazy and
She is frustrated by all you are or are not.
Even then, she loves you with all of her.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
She always believes in you and pushes you.
Through every phase of life, she is for you and with you.
And she does everything within her power
To make sure you keep going.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Throughout your life, she is there for you.
Nothing could take her away,
Even in death she is still with you.
She is always in your heart and mind.

There is nothing like a mother’s love.
Sacrifice, joy, sorrow, pain and all you can think of.
Her love knows no beginning or end.
No wonder God reminds us that He will never forget us
Using the hyperbole of a mother forgetting her suckling child.
There is nothing like a mother’s love.

Angela Azumah Alu, 31/03/2020
Sakumono (COVID-19 time)
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