Friday, January 25, 2019

Here I am

25 January 2019

Called to a life of service,
Called to bear fruit that will last,
Called to bring healing,
Called to proclaim the gospel,
I respond: Here I am.

Whether I am called as a child like Samuel was,
Or have a dramatic encounter like Paul,
Or no one knows my conversion story,
Or someone's life touched me like the jailer,
I respond: I am the servant of the LORD.

Whether I have to go through water,
Or I have to go through fire,
Or I have to keep going when I would rather not,
Or I have to give my life,
I respond: let it be done to me according to your word.

Angela Azumah Alu, Panama City 
Conversion of St. Paul, 25/01/19

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

01 January 2019

A fresh start!
Not so fresh but hey, an opportunity to start!
A time to be thankful for all of God's mercies
And to praise His kindness!
Coz really, we only deserved death.
A time to make plans: because we're still alive.
And to plan to execute our plans.
A time to dream and to trust; that all will be well!
A time to continue on this journey of life knowing that our ultimate aim is heaven.
And that our ultimate task to take people along with us to heaven.
A time to once more commit it all to Jesus.
A time to live and to dance!
Happy New Year!

Angela Azumah Alu, Sakumono