Saturday, December 5, 2015


Hopelessness sears my heart 
Despair descends on me like a swarm of locust on a green field 
Eating away all that has grown over the year's
I stare in awe and cannot recognise myself
The enemy has seemingly gained territory
Talk of your efficacy at my rescue frightens me
I am but a broken reed eaten away by despair and hopelessness
Through out all the drama there's one thing I try to convince myself about-"a broken reed you will not reject. "
Esther Afoley Laryea, 5/12/15

A bruised reed He will not break; He was bruised for our transgressions.
On the day the LORD binds up the wounds of his people, he will heal the bruises left by his blows.
He who knows the stars by name and has counted every hair on my head.
He invites me to cast all my cares upon Him and reminds me I am worth more than the ravens and so should never worry.
Even though He seemed to have cast me away, He promises joy in the morning, the oil of gladness for mourning, beauty for ashes and praise instead of despair.
Wonder of wonders, He delights in me and rejoices over me with singing.
Through my pain, He tells me He knows the way that I take and when He has tried me I shall come forth as gold that has been refined.
Like Job, though He slay me, yet will I trust; for I know my redeemer lives and that at the last He will stand upon the earth.
So through my sorrow, pain and rejection, I will rejoice with all my being as daily He conforms me to His image.
I will be hopeful!
Angela Azumah Alu, 6/12/15

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Sometimes I get weary and very sad,
And even quite depressed,
Of things past, things present and even worry about things to come.
And become quite unforgiving of the self which is me, your daughter,
Father, here I am, once more surrendering to you, all my thoughts, fears, worries, doubts and fears
All my disappointments, the jealousy, the feeling inferior and an underachiever
I give them all up to you,
I know tis the old enemy who knows how down I get and wants to make me disobey by worrying instead of praying and hearing your voice,
So Lord, here I am, once more trusting you because you make all things beautiful in your time and your timing is perfect; you are never late,
I am a child of the great king, clothed in righteousness, won by the blood of a lamb without blemish; a lamb who is also my high priest.
I wear a helmet of salvation; a belt of truth; shoes of the good news of peace which I proclaim readily, I carry a sword of the word and faith is my shield.
The whole of Christendom awaits my manifestation; a glorious one
O my Jesus, teach me in thee to abide day by day never fearing what the next second will bring because you know it all and it is beautiful.
I trust you; I praise; I rejoice; I am amazed as always by your love
I love you Lord!
I thank you for all the learning experiences; for the many wishes and desires and know that you are in control.
And I tell the old enemy that I don’t mind waiting because it will bring my father glory.
Open my eyes to see as you do Father, my ears to hear you more; my heart to love you more and my whole being to know and live daily for you.

Indeed you are a faithful and true God and all my hope is in you!

Angela Azumah Alu, 24/05/2014

Goodbye to Eni Ghana procurement

I will miss you greatly!
I learnt about procurement; the ins and outs of bids and tenders.
I learnt about working in a multi cultural environment.
I worked with sweet D, diplomatic Mubarak, elegant Eva, bubbly and frank Esther, "ke parler" Lucia, suave Kwabena, hardworking Adam and chief Saviz.
Thank you Esther for the lifts to and from home.
Thank you Eva for being my to go to person for most things.
Thank you Kwabena for the lifts to "spanner junction" and all the interesting perspectives
Thank you Adam, my fast eating fufu mate. Goat teeth can't kill our love for fufu.
Thank you Mubarak for the lifts to spanner junction and for the clarifications provided when needed.
Thank you Mama D for being the best co-ordinator a girl could have, for all the reminders to happy yourself.
Thank you Lucia for a tiny bite of Italy.
Thank you Saviz for everything.
Thank you Projects....Giuseppe, John,  my Cape 3 mate, Cosmos and Pepsi.
Thank you Vendor Management...Emmanuella, Frieda, Ndachie and Kumi.
Thank you Nana for being a friend.
Thank you Anthonio for the opportunity.
Thank you ENI Ghana.
I hope meet again someday!

Angela Azumah Alu
14/08/15, Airport

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I find my worth in you O God

There are times dear Lord when i try to find my worth in what I do and in what I have and end up feeling like crap and like the scum of the earth because I do not have as much as others do or because I have not achieved as much.
Teach me Lord daily to find my worth in you alone; in who I am, your beloved child whom you died on the cross for.
Teach me not to compare, lest I become bitter or vain; but always look to you.
Teach me to run everyday to you, who art my strength and shield, my glory and the lifter up of my head.
To rest in you, who alone art my sufficiency.
So that whether I am a PhD twice over or struggle to write my name, my worth is found in you.
So that whether I have built mansions or struggle to pay my rent each month, my worth is found in you.
So that whether I have been happily married and even have grandchildren or I struggle with one divorce after another, my worth is found in you.
So that whether I have had a successful career or I am struggling to find a job, my worth is found in you.
So that whatever my lot in life, I will say it is well with my soul because my worth is found in you.
Teach me to love you above all else and to live each day as a sojourner on earth, eagerly anticipating my heavenly home. 
Holding on to nothing but my faith.
Jesus, I trust in You!

Angela Azumah Alu, 03/08/15, Airport

Thursday, July 30, 2015

New life and direction

When He lifted me out of the mud and the quagmire, He gave me a new song and gladdened my heart.
He turned my aching sorrow into gladness and set me on a firm place.
He gave me fullness of joy in His presence and at His right hand pleasures for evermore.
He set His seal upon me and named me; forever.
He took all my pieces and made a masterpiece, master that He is.
He gave me new meaning and direction.
Then He gave me a new task and asked me to be an instrument; to pull His people out of mud and bring them to Him.

Angela Azumah Alu, 30th July 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Keep Trusting

Sometimes, God desires to give his chosen ones a testimony; a really big one like He gave Job in the bible.
He doesn't tell them this; it would defeat the purpose.
But literally, He's put them out there to tell the world that trusting God is best thing to do.
When that happens, he brings them one test after another and keeps giving them standing ovations in heaven for trusting Him.
He watches them cry over the material things they lose but is pleased as punch that they choose to praise His name.
He watches them grow in faith and in prayer as they wrestle with the actions of the evil one.
All this time, He's a little scared that they may lose faith, but He knows their hearts are for Him and so is comforted.
After a while, He settles and resettles them.
He restores and renews them and gives back everything they lost and more.
They just won another battle for Him; proving to Satan that they love Him because He is God and not just because He blesses them.
They are His Ace students and He is very proud of them.
So Child of God, keep faith in your LORD when things seem to go so badly for you that you wonder what is happening and ask if God has abandoned you.
You never know, you may be "taking a test for God".
You sure wanna give your LORD some "bragging rights" don't you?
Keep  faith in Him; in righteousness, purity, service, prayer and worship.
Grow in faith by all means and keep trusting.
You are one of God's star players.
May you never fail Him; prove that He is worthy always.
Keep faith alive and see Him restore you and lift you high.
Weeping may endure for some long nights but joy comes with the morning.
May God give you a testimony for His name sake!

Angela Azumah Alu, 29th July 2015, Tema

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Two copper coins

Two copper coins given; all she had she gave.
Seen by all as insignificant.
Unappreciated by all except the LORD who sees the heart.
Two copper coins given; all she had she gave.

Many times Lord, I too feel what I have is small.
I think and wonder if it'll make any difference.
And convince myself not to give.
Forgetting that you see and know all.
Two copper coins; all I have to give.

Help me Lord, whatever I have
To give to You, who sees and knows all.
Not looking at what others have or give.
But only to You, my help and the giver of all gifts.
Two copper coins; all I have to give.

Two copper coins I give; all I have to give.
My life, my thoughts, my heart;
My needs, my wants, my desires;
My gifts, my talents, my resources.
All I have I give, daily, to the giver of all gifts.
Two copper coins; all I have I give.

Angela Azumah Alu 6/6/15, Tema


I am at war with myself daily.
The Spirit within me wants to do one thing;
My flesh another.
Daily, there is war;Spirit and flesh.
Holy Spirit, have your way!
That which I do not want to do, I do.
That which I must do, I don't.
Lord, have mercy!
Lord Jesus, renew and purify me; 
High priest of mine, awaken me.
Fill me Holy Spirit;inebriate me.
That I may live for you only and not my flesh.

Angela Azumah Alu, Pentecost Sunday 2015

For ma- Happy mothers' day!

Mothers' day is not the only day when I appreciate you because you are special everyday.
From praying for us to challenging us to pursue our dreams, you are wonderful in every way.
Your daily example of extreme love and care for the family challenge especially the females to no end and prepare us for our own journey of motherhood.
Your strength is amazing to no end and you do literally top all.
Your examples of love and forgiveness in marriage and motherhood speak volumes of your faith in God.
And when you encourage us to pursue our dreams, it's not just theory because we have seen you do it.
Mother of ours, our prayer is for strength to imitate you as you imitate Christ.
Many women do great things but you surpass them all!
Happy mothers' day!

Angela Azumah Alu, Mothers' Day 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015


Sometimes, when I’ve wandered far from His grace and like a little lost lamb, feel very abandoned and lonely and almost wonder if my Shepherd still loves me and get scared because wolves are coming close and I know they want to devour me though they initially seemed even friendly.
I cry out, deep in my heart; I cry out with my little voice.
And He hears me, the Good Shepherd to whom I belong.
He comes over to rescue me; he breaks my legs so I have no choice but to rest in His arms for some part of the journey.
And He speaks words of comfort to me; He brings me fresh grass to eat and refreshes me with clear, clean water.
I bask in His love and I am at peace.
All is well, the Shepherd loves me.

Angela Azumah Alu, 20/4/2015, Airport

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A psalm to the Lord

O Lord
Why are you so far away from me?
Why do you seem not to hear when I call?
When I cry till I can almost not speak
When my heart is so full of pain and sorrow that I wish I were dead
O Lord, hear me when I call
Answer when I cry
For you are my God and no other
For the sake of your name do not forsake me
Turn to me and heal me
Turn and hear your servant 
O God
From of old, you are God and there is none like you
For the sake of your name, turn and relent 
Do not look upon our sins 
But show us your mercy we implore

Angela Azumah Alu