Saturday, June 6, 2015

Two copper coins

Two copper coins given; all she had she gave.
Seen by all as insignificant.
Unappreciated by all except the LORD who sees the heart.
Two copper coins given; all she had she gave.

Many times Lord, I too feel what I have is small.
I think and wonder if it'll make any difference.
And convince myself not to give.
Forgetting that you see and know all.
Two copper coins; all I have to give.

Help me Lord, whatever I have
To give to You, who sees and knows all.
Not looking at what others have or give.
But only to You, my help and the giver of all gifts.
Two copper coins; all I have to give.

Two copper coins I give; all I have to give.
My life, my thoughts, my heart;
My needs, my wants, my desires;
My gifts, my talents, my resources.
All I have I give, daily, to the giver of all gifts.
Two copper coins; all I have I give.

Angela Azumah Alu 6/6/15, Tema


I am at war with myself daily.
The Spirit within me wants to do one thing;
My flesh another.
Daily, there is war;Spirit and flesh.
Holy Spirit, have your way!
That which I do not want to do, I do.
That which I must do, I don't.
Lord, have mercy!
Lord Jesus, renew and purify me; 
High priest of mine, awaken me.
Fill me Holy Spirit;inebriate me.
That I may live for you only and not my flesh.

Angela Azumah Alu, Pentecost Sunday 2015

For ma- Happy mothers' day!

Mothers' day is not the only day when I appreciate you because you are special everyday.
From praying for us to challenging us to pursue our dreams, you are wonderful in every way.
Your daily example of extreme love and care for the family challenge especially the females to no end and prepare us for our own journey of motherhood.
Your strength is amazing to no end and you do literally top all.
Your examples of love and forgiveness in marriage and motherhood speak volumes of your faith in God.
And when you encourage us to pursue our dreams, it's not just theory because we have seen you do it.
Mother of ours, our prayer is for strength to imitate you as you imitate Christ.
Many women do great things but you surpass them all!
Happy mothers' day!

Angela Azumah Alu, Mothers' Day 2015