Monday, March 26, 2018

Jesus, your love is better than wine

your love is better than the sweetest of wines,
your love is better than that of married couples,
your love is better than that of parents,
your love is better than that of family,
your love is better than that of friends,
your love is the best of all.
Wine would never die for me.
Spouses rarely die for one another.
Even parents don't usually do.
Family may betray me,
Friends may forget me,
Your love is the best of all.
Your love is the best of all.
When I think of the pain you endured,
the betrayal and all the suffering.
When I think of your agony and humiliation.
When I remember all that you went through for my sake.
I cannot help but exclaim; your love is the best of all.
Your love is the best of all.
Teach me to love like you do; day by day.
Teach me to trust you more.
Teach me to love your word.
Teach me to proclaim and to do the things you did.
But most importantly, let me rest in the best love of all.
Angela Azumah Alu, 26/3/18

Wishing you a fruitful and Spirit filled Holy Week. Tis the Week of all Weeks!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Footprints are almost automatic aren't they?
You walk in a place where it's possible to make them and have them.
But it's almost impossible to make footprints when you walk on a paved walkway.
So there's a trade off, I guess.
Walk on sandy or other ground where you can make footprints and probably get a quite dirty
or walk on a paved walkway and have no dirt on you and of course no footprints.
You choose.
Now, let's liken it to making a difference in the lives of others.
It takes a lot of work and you may lose a lot.
You may have to make countless sacrifices which others may never even know about.
And the work you do may even not the waves wash away footprints at the shore.
But guess what, for that brief moment, you would have made a difference.
So on this day, I celebrate all at Footprints Development International and everyone who strives to make a difference in the lives of others.
May your efforts outlive you...even though footprints at the shore don't last.
image from:

Footprints Development International is an NGO committed to raising young Africans with a global mindset. Visit their website today and find out more about them: