Saturday, June 17, 2017

Happy fathers' Day!

Happy fathers’ day!
We’ve had our ups and downs but you’re the best father a girl could ask for.
Your dedication to work is legendary and I remember all the open days you didn’t come for…lol.
Yet I also remember that painful and lengthy trek to Akwatia every term for visiting day.
You have always challenged me to be all I can be, to be a well rounded woman and to be a good big sister.
Thank you…for every sacrifice you have made and continue to make just so we can achieve our dreams and live that comfortable life you didn’t have as a child.
Thank you for all of that.
Your way has always been to do your best with what you are given…and you have lived that out everyday. 
Your faith shines out in all you do.
You have indeed set the bar high and we pray we are able to live up and even exceed your laurels.
There’s so much I want to say…but thank you and thank you again!
Happy fathers’ day to the one and only Uncle P!

Angela Azumah Alu, 17/06/17, Accra

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I will forget

The memories may seem never ending
The pain may seem unbearable
The questions may be too many
But one day I will forget.

One day, I will forget the pain you caused,
The memories will blur
My soul will be at peace
And one day I will forget.

One day, I will laugh out loud when I have to tell this story.
I will laugh at myself
And wonder why it was such a big deal.
One day I will forget.

One day, you and I will sit together and reminisce
About those days when we were young.
And about the feelings that grew and had to die.
One day I will forget.
Even if we never do,
And I never get an explanation for why you ghosted me,
And it stays awkward forever,
The memories will fade and I will forget.

One day soon, I will thank God for what has happened now.
And praise Him as I am already doing
Because every plan of His is perfect.
One day I will rejoice because I have forgotten.

Angela Azumah Alu
13:04, Legon
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